Author - adminagro

Zakłady Mięsne Zakrzewscy - Magik
Zakłady Mięsne Zakrzewscy - Magik
Zakłady Mięsne Zakrzewscy - Magik

Zakrzewscy Meat Plant investment officially after grand opening

Zakrzewscy Meat Plant is a newly built facility located near Szczuczyn in Podlaskie Voivodeship. The most important parameters of the facility are: 12 437,4 sq. m. of building area 15 786, 18 sq. m. of floor space 306 m wide and 52 m long building The work scope on our side: Installation of mechanical ventilation with full automation for production rooms, as well as social...

centrale mobilne magik
centrale mobilne magik

We are expanding our offer with mobile coolers from #MagikProduction

This product can work as an independed device to cool the air or as an additional module added to an already operating cooler in case of need to quickly and efficiently lower the temperature. In order for it to function, all you need is: electric power supply access to running water Our regular offer includes mobile coolers with 47kw and 35kw of power....

Magik Francja Landivy
Magik Francja Landivy

A technological installation of our production fuels a French mushroom farm

In March 2021, in cooperation with Agro-Projects, we started the construction of a new facility in France that consists of 22 growing rooms for mushroom cultivation and 4 growing rooms for oyster mushroom cultivation. The area of the entire facility consists of 11700 sq. m. Our company scope included: delivery and installation of air handling units for growing rooms (mushroom) delivery and...

Inwestycja Zakłady Mięsne Wierzejki zakończona sukcesem!

We have acquired shares in Montostal Sp. z o.o.

We are pleased to inform that the owners of Magik Sp. z o.o. purchased shares in Montostal Sp. z o.o., thanks to which both companies have strengthened their cooperation. Montostal is a well known company with over 30 years of experience, which specializes in comprehensive implementation and servicing of modern industrial cooling installations - mostly ammonia installations. The company...


Humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Hello everyone, we are aware that everyone has been waiting for information regarding our position on sponsorship activities related to Emile Saifudinov. In the current situation, we could not make any other decision than to terminate the contract and end the cooperation. At the same time, we would like to inform you that the funds that we planned to allocate to...

Magik sponsorem WTS

Magik as the main sponsor of Polish Champion WTS Sparta Wrocław

We are pleased to announce that in the upcoming season our company will be the main sponsor of the current Polish Speedway Champion - WTS Sparta Wroclaw. The agreement signed with the club from the capital of Lower Silesia Voivodeship extends our sponsorship activities in the area of black sport. Thanks to the cooperation, the logo of our company will...

Pieczarkarnia Wola Buczkowska
Pieczarkarnia Wola Buczkowska

The mushroom farm in Wola Buczkowska is already working at full speed!

The facility consists of 12 cultivation chambers, 723.6m2 each. During the investment we completed: delivery and installation of air handling units for cultivation chambers delivery and assembly of technological installations delivery and installation of a modern ice water machine, equipped with a reversible pump using heat from ground heat exchangers heat recovery from process air delivery and installation of equipment for cooling rooms and...

Magik sponsorem Emila

Magik Refrigeration is now the main sponsor of Emil Sayfutdinov!

After two years of successful cooperation with Russian speedway rider Emil Sayfutdinov, we are expanding our activities and becoming the main sponsor of the rider, which means, our logo will be placed on his cap and helmet from now on. Emil is an extremely talented and a very nice athlete! During last two seasons only, in which we had the...

Maszynownia kontenerowa Magik
Maszynownia kontenerowa Magik
Maszynownia kontenerowa Magik

A 4-container machine on its way to a Romanian mushroom farm

After several weeks of hard work the machine room consisting of four independent containers has officially been finished. The machine room was individually designed and adapted to the needs of a large mushroom farm of one of our Romanian customers. Thanks to modern solutions, our product will supply 36 cultivation chambers (1061 sq. m of cultivation each). Total cooling capacity:...

Za nami drugi etap inwestycji #ZakladMiesnyWierzejki
Za nami drugi etap inwestycji #ZakladMiesnyWierzejki

The second stage of #WierzejkiMeatPlant investment is already behind us

At this stage we have completed: Glycol installation for the fat-processing area: installation of welded steel pipelines (approx. 500 mb) installation of 7 glycol coolers (including one 60 kW cooler) installation of 7 control modules at the coolers installation of a pump module with 3 circulation pumps wykonanie izolacji PUR w płaszczu z blachy (cała instalacja zewnętrzna i wewnętrzna) installation of electrical wiring (approx. 3335 mb) installation...