Author - adminagro

Rozbudowa Zakładów Mięsnych Jażyniec dobiegła końca

The expansion of Meat Processing Plant Jazyniec is completed

After several months of intensive work, we have completed the technological systems installation at Meat Processing plant Jazyniec in the province of Greater Poland. In total, it this has been completed: Modernization of the existing refrigeration systems: New chilled water machinery container New piping Demolition of the existing refrigeration system Installation of new air coolers in the existing production rooms of the plant with...

Pierwsze kanały wentylacyjne i centrale klimatyzacyjne gotowe do wyjazdu
Pierwsze kanały wentylacyjne i centrale klimatyzacyjne gotowe do wyjazdu
Pierwsze kanały wentylacyjne i centrale klimatyzacyjne gotowe do wyjazdu

First ventilation air ducts and air-conditioning units ready for departure

Day by day we are getting closer and closer to completing our new manufacturing plant. After a few weeks of hard work, the first products are manufactured, which will soon be delivered to our customers. The ventilation air ducts of our own production will go to one of the Polish customers, while modern air-conditioning units will soon be installed...

Nowa hala produkcyjna MAGIK uruchomiona
Nowa Hala Produkcyjna Magik

The new Magik manufacturing plant is now open!

Less than a year after putting in the first "shovel", we managed to put into operation a modern manufacturing plant, which is located near the headquarters of our company in Pianów near Kościan (Wielkopolskie Province). The facility co-financed by the European Union is another milestone in the development of our company. It is here that the Refrigeration systems of...