Nowa hala produkcyjna MAGIK uruchomiona
Nowa Hala Produkcyjna Magik

The new Magik manufacturing plant is now open!

Kategoria: Uncategorized

Less than a year after putting in the first “shovel”, we managed to put into operation a modern manufacturing plant, which is located near the headquarters of our company in Pianów near Kościan (Wielkopolskie Province). The facility co-financed by the European Union is another milestone in the development of our company. It is here that the Refrigeration systems of our own production will be built, like air-conditioning units and advanced container machinery rooms, as well as ventilation air ducts customized to the needs of our Clients. A modern machine park located within the facility, which includes, among others press brake and plasma cutter will be part of the Steel Services Center managed by our partner company Agro-Projects.