
Humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Kategoria: Uncategorized

Hello everyone,

we are aware that everyone has been waiting for information regarding our position on sponsorship activities related to Emile Saifudinov. In the current situation, we could not make any other decision than to terminate the contract and end the cooperation.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that the funds that we planned to allocate to support the athlete will be fully used to help Ukraine, with which we have had both business and friendly relations for many years.

Our first help arrived last Saturday at the befriended RIO company from Lviv, which is intensively involved in humanitarian activities, while the first dozen or so people were transported from the border to safe places in and around Koscian. Over the past few days, we have been regularly transporting more individuals who are receiving the necessary help as well. We can assure you that our activities will be continued in the days and weeks to come.

We would like to thank all employees for their enormous support and work in organizing help for the ones in need – this is the real #MagikTeam! #FreeUkraine

Best Regards, Piotr Domagała