Inwestycja Zakłady Mięsne Wierzejki zakończona sukcesem!
Inwestycja Zakłady Mięsne Wierzejki zakończona sukcesem!
Inwestycja Zakłady Mięsne Wierzejki zakończona sukcesem!

Project Meat Processing Plant Wierzejki has been successfully completed!

Kategoria: Uncategorized

In the last few months our company has been involved in some intensive work on the technological systems for Meat Processing Plant Wierzejki located in Pludy in the province of Lublin. This company is one of the largest enterprises of this type in Podlasie region and handles slaughter, cutting and production of a variety of meats. Acting in a consortium with Montostal, we have completed a complex technological systems installation for the newly created production plant.

Together we have completed:

  • Machinery room for AMONIAK and refrigeration system for AMMONIAK in freezers, shockers, freezer tunnels and 2 plate freezers. In a 2-stage system (Booster) with compressors for a total cooling capacity of 1250kW aa well as compressor units with a cooling capacity of 2800kW!
  • Thanks to the oil cooling of compressor units with a glycol system, it is possible to obtain heat recovery with a capacity of up to 300kW, which can be supported by recovering heat from overheating with a capacity of also up to 300kW (a total of up to 600 kW of glycol at +50 degrees Celsius)
  • Cooling system for glycol up to 29 units
  • Cooling system for coolers in air handling units
  • Supply and exhaust ventilation systems for office and technological purposes (6 roof AHUs, 4 indoor units, 8 roof fans, 11 duct fans)
  • Supply ventilation systems – ventilation of the freezer floor with supply of technological heat
  • Complex automation